Luca avatar

My work


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laboriosam, soluta?

API / Backend PHP Developer - Feb 2022 ‐ Today

Full Stack PHP Developer

Logika Software - Gen 2019 ‐ Gen 2022

Full Stack PHP Developer

Innobit s.r.l. - Set 2017 ‐ Dic 2018

Full Stack PHP Developer

Xagena s.r.l. - Set 2005 ‐ Lug 2017

Full Stack PHP Developer

PNL Group s.r.l. - 2001 ‐ 2004

My Skills

I'm always learning and expanding my skillset to ensure that I'm up to date with the latest web technologies and trends.

Here are some of the skills I have developed over the years.

Database design
UI/UX design
Project management
Rest API
Luca Malattia personal website